Frequently Asked Questions

Can I donate items for the duffe bags?

All the items are provided through Bags of Hope NE. They have arrangements with companies that donate or provide items at cost. If you are a company who wishes to donate items, please contact Bags of Hope NE.

How do you get the children’s names for the bags?

We contact the CT DCF offices. They in turn give the child's first name only for monogramming and the child’s age and gender. The bags are then filled with age and gender appropriate items.

How much of my donation goes to the children?

100% of all donations go directly to benefit the children.

We have no paid staff. Bags of Hope CT is all volunteer.

Can I submit names of children who are in foster care?

Yes, however it has to go through the children’s social worker. The social worker can contact Bags of Hope CT.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Bags of Hope is a ministry within the local churches in your community and have 501 c 3 status so 100% of your donation is tax deductible.

Are you looking for more volunteers in Connecticut?

Yes! Volunteers are always welcome. We have a passionate team who loves helping our local foster children.